(This is a follow up of my ongoing skincare journey with IDS! You can read up on the first instalment of the series here.)
I must admit I am a lazy person. Maybe that’s also the reason most guys give ourselves when it comes to facial care. As you’ve read from my previous post, there are quite a number of products that were prescribed to me for my journey towards a flawless and perfect facial skin.
While the adrenaline of receiving new products kicked in almost as instantly as the night following my first visit, I told myself to go slow. I took some time to get used to the product, understand how they work, and, most importantly, how they affect my skin. It took me a couple of weeks to get very used to my morning and night facial routines. Not to mention that due to the fact that I frequently change where I am based, I always have to carry a carrier full of products in my travel pack.

About one month later, right before Recess Week, I returned to the IDS outlet at the International Building for the second part of my treatment.
This follow-up visit has two main objectives: first to undergo this facial treatment called Hydro-Therapeutics Treatment (HTT) and secondly, to see Dr. Ben again so that he can also help monitor my progress.
Hydro-Therapeutics Treatment (HTT)
HTT is a facial treatment created by the very professional team at IDS for all skin types. During this process, accumulated dirt and clogged sebum will be removed from the skin and hence, resulting it being returned to a clean slate.
As a guy who wears make-up occasionally, I am also aware that makeup and products tend to build upon the skin and might cause some skin troubles as a result. So such treatment comes in handy too to help with the deep cleansing of my skin. And especially with my skin condition in a bad shape after rushing against time to complete my assignments on time and study for my tests, it’s really time for my skin to enjoy some rest.
The entire HTT process last 60mins, under the precision and care of my beauty consultant. The procedure includes:
1. Double Cleansing
2. Microdermabrasion (MDX)
3. Ultrasonic cleansing
4. Extractions of Blackheads
5. Ultrasonic penetration of Vitamin C
6. Anti Acne Mask
7. Moisturiser
8. Sunscreen
Please mind me for not having any photos taken during the entire course of the treatment because I was pangseh-ed by my photographer that very morning (tragic story).
Before we start the entire process, I stored my belongings (you know, me and my habit of carrying my entire home with me) in a reasonably sized cabinet located at one corner of the treatment room. It can actually store the number of barang-barang I have, that’s enough to help you visualise how spacious the cabinet actually is. I love cabinets of reasonable size.
Thereafter, I was handed a bouffant cap – so that my hair would not be stained during the process. I lied down on the bed and the professional consultant pulled the blanket over me, exposing only my face.
First thing first, double-cleansing. This step helps to prepare the skin for treatment by removing the dirt and oil from the surface of the skin. The cleansing was accompanied by a tender message on the face. That completely clears any nervousness I had prior to my first ever facial treatment.
Once the foams from the second cleansing were washed away with water, my consultant then brought forward a machine. For a moment, I thought I was at the dentist. The MDX is a minimally invasive procedure used to renew the overall skin tone and texture of the skin. It requires the usage of a special applicator (part of that massive machine I saw), containing an abrasive surface to help gently ‘vacuum’ the other layer of the skin, rejuvenating it during the process. To help you relate to it better, it’s exfoliation.
Once the outer layer of the skin in rejuvenated, it’s time for Ultrasonic Cleansing. With the help of ultrasonic (sound) wave motion, aged surface skin cells are impurities are being removed. Such include the irritating blackheads and whiteheads most of us encountered.
Of course, while ultrasonic is powerful enough, manual extraction of dirt and impurities are still required, just in case the wave did not manage to remove them completely. Although it was done using a relatively sharp tweezer, I am glad that my consultant was so experienced and gentle (yet effective) that I did not actually felt any sharp pain.
“You don’t seem to have much blackheads actually” She said shortly.
Well, could have been due to the IDS products I’ve been using thus far. Effective.
Cleared of the impurities, it’s time to apply some Vitamin C on the pores vacated by the impurities. I mentioned in my previous article that Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant essential in promoting the production of collagen, and collagen helps promote the thickening of the dermis and hence contributing to the strength and flexibility of the skin. The ultrasonic penetration of Vitamin C is done to ensure that the vitamins are optimally absorbed into the skin, achieving the best effect possible.
A herbal-scented anti-acne mask is then being applied onto my face to help soothes the sensitive spot. My consultant then excused herself for the next 15 minutes for the mask to take effect. I continued to lay there, lowkey cursing Jon for not being there to entertain me (sorry mate haha, just adding some banter here). I would really want to see how I look with the cement-coloured semi-solid being applied across my face. Not sure if I am the only one who felt it but there was some minty feeling on my skin as the duration goes.
15 minutes later, she’s back to clear off the mask. I wouldn’t really mind if she came in any later, I was enjoying the smell and the texture of the mask already. Once the mask is off, she helped me to apply the oil-free moisturiser (OM) and the sunscreen (S2) to complete the entire process.
Final verdict: I hadn’t really felt so relaxed since school started so I was enjoying every moment of the treatment! Shiok lah
You can read more about HTT or make an appointment with IDS for a HTT HERE.
Apart from the HTT, IDS also offers other facial treatments such as the Cyro-Therapeutics Treatment (CTT), which is catered to personnel who are troubled by hypersensitive skin issues and Omega Rejuvenate & Renewal if you are looking for some anti-ageing solutions.
The Follow-Up
After the treatment, I was ushered out to the waiting area, where I met my stand-in photographer Huiqi – who kindly offered her service during her lunch break. (Means, yay, some photos to go which this entire chunk of text!) Not long after, I was called for my consultation with Dr Ben.

It’s a follow up consultation so Dr Ben was looking at the condition of my skin. My other beauty consultant Cass was like saying, “Your face looks whiter now.”
Of course, those of you who are reading this will be thinking, “Eh, where can ownself say ownself one?”
What about a few weeks later during one of my productions, my AP was telling me how my face look brighter.
The power of IDS and their products.
ASSEMBLE: All the products from IDS which I’ve been using for the past 4 months.
*Credits to Eddy Chua
Visit Eddy Chua's blog post here.